By volume 10 Black Lagoon is pretty much a World of Dark Action Girls.Balalaika was also one before she graduated to The Baroness of Hotel Moscow, having been a sinister soldier sniper for the Soviets during the Afghan War.She gets a bit better though with Rock's help.

Revy is a Protagonist version of this, a deadly gun slinger who would likely go on a killing spree For the Evulz if not for Dutch and Rock.She uses Blood Magic to fight, overpowering her opponents even at a disadvantage, and turns more demonic as she expends higher percentages of her devil Megicula's power.

She's a maniacal Blood Knight who enjoys fighting strong enemies with childish glee, ordering her underlings to attack civilians just to rile up her foes. Vanica is the only female member of the Dark Triad and the host of a powerful devil.Her Flame Magic lets her unleash incredibly destructive fire and she's implacable and merciless towards the ones she loathes. Fana is one of the strongest members of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.She's later revealed to be at least a half of Jack the Ripper and Madame Red's accomplice in murdering the prostitutes. Grell Sutcliff of Black Butler is a Transgender woman who, in battle, uses a chainsaw and takes sexual pleasure in fighting Sebastian.Undine may count as well, if "girl" is the right way to describe her. Birdy the Mighty: Moss from Decode's second season, to the point of being the most badass of the fugitives.The second is Slan of the God Hand although her " fight" with Guts wasn't very long and she only got turned on by his attacks. The first and one who engaged in the most fighting is Rosine, an insect girl Apostle who gave even Guts the fight of his life especially when she went One-Winged Angel. She softens further after meeting John Farrell in Volume 8, to the point that she became something of a Hero Secret Service, at first against Victor, to protect John Farrell's grandson, Arthur, eventually extending her protection to the whole of humanity. After meeting Victor Byron, however, she softens a little. A brief glimpse of Caerula Sanguis' distant past in Volume 9 of Battle Angel Alita: Last Order shows that when she was part of the Chinese Triads, she was very much an example of this trope.While most others join the Survey Corps to actually fight for mankind, Mikasa couldn't care less if Eren hadn't joined.
She develops over the course of the series and obviously holds some strong morals dear to her, but as soon as Eren is in danger she is willing to slice up pretty much anyone, friend or foe without a second thought to protect him.