Download mkvtoolnix 64 bit portable#
MKV is more and more used day by day, but some media players don't support it, specially portable media players, so it's time to convert it and MKVToolbox will help you.

mkvmerge generates a new FileUID instead. MKVToolnix is a video conversion and edition application for Matroska video files, yes MKV format. mkvmerge, mkvextract, mkvpropedit: enhancement: attachments in Matroska files with a missing FileUID element are not ignored anymore even though they violate the specs.mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed muxing Sorenson v3 (SVQ3) video from QuickTime files.

mmg: bug fix: fixed the check for WebM-compatible track types for Opus.extract: bug fix: using names of non-existing files in »attachments«, »chapters«, »cuesheet« or »tags« mode caused mkvextract to crash instead of emitting a proper error message.This fixes outputting Unicode characters to the console that are not part of the local charset. all: bug fix: Windows: messages written to the console (cmd.exe) are not re-encoded to the local charset and back to UTF-16 before they're handed over to ConsoleWriteW().Just like before it can be changed with »-output-charset«. all: Windows: the default charset for the files created with »-redirect-output« has been changed from the system's local charset to UTF-8.info.txt«) the programs will no longer write two line feed characters (\r) per carriage return character (\n). Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle MKVToolNix (64-bit Portable)